About MNW Boys & Girls Clubs

Youth Development Strategy

At MNW Boys & Girls Clubs, all of our programs and activities are designed to maximize opportunities for young people ages 6 through 18 to acquire four basic “senses” which help them build self-esteem and grow into responsible and caring citizens.

MNW Boys & Girls Clubs create a climate in which these important “senses” are fostered in every participant, member, volunteer and guest involved in our program.

These four “senses” are:

A Sense of Competence

Young people feel proud and confident when they acquire new skills and know they can do something and do it well. This happens naturally through participation in programs, but it can be enhanced through a conscious effort to help girls and boys develop skills and to recognize them formally and informally for their achievements.

A Sense of Usefulness

Young people know the satisfaction of doing something of value for others. It is important to seek out opportunities for young people of all ages to do something useful for others, whether it is helping at the Club or participating in community service projects.

A Sense of Belonging

Young people know they are welcome and feel that they fit in and are accepted. This occurs naturally in Boys & Girls Clubs. It is enhanced through warm greetings from staff members when young people arrive at the Club, the use of membership cards, small group programs, Club T-shirts, publishing and posting names and photographs of young people involved in programs, or anything else, tangible or intangible, that help young people feel safe, comfortable and accepted at the Club.

A Sense of Power and Influence

Young people know their opinions are heard and valued and that they can influence decisions. This can be enhanced through participation in youth councils, discussion groups, interest surveys and other opportunities to contribute to the development of Club programs and rules.

Core Beliefs

Boys & Girls Clubs provide:

  • A safe place to learn and grow
  • Ongoing relationships with caring adult professionals
  • Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences
  • Hope and opportunity

Our Purpose

The Boys & Girls Club is a youth development organization dedicated to promoting the health, social, educational, vocational and character development of boys and girls. It aims to help young people improve their lives by building self-esteem and developing values and skills during critical periods of growth.

Our Mission

The mission of Marguerite Neel Williams Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Georgia, Inc. is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Our Staff

Jacqueline Robinson - Interim Executive Director
Shavonna Brown - Director of Finance
Tiffany Davis - Director of Development & Marketing
Chiquita Emanuel - Director of Compliance & Safety

Saundra Austin - Teen Center Club Director
Marquita Emanuel - Youth Center Club Director
Keith Ireland - Special Initiatives & Outreach Coordinator

Stephen Francis – Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club Area Director (Cairo)